Bicentennial Concerts Aug 2 Written By Anthony Ausiello In addition to the parades and fireworks displays across the U.S., there were some amazing rock concerts to see on the Bicentennial.Which one do you wish you could have attended? Or were you there? america250BicentennialBrooklyn76BrooklynitalianAmericanshistoricalfictionfictionmustreadsumerreadingrockconcerts Anthony Ausiello
Bicentennial Concerts Aug 2 Written By Anthony Ausiello In addition to the parades and fireworks displays across the U.S., there were some amazing rock concerts to see on the Bicentennial.Which one do you wish you could have attended? Or were you there? america250BicentennialBrooklyn76BrooklynitalianAmericanshistoricalfictionfictionmustreadsumerreadingrockconcerts Anthony Ausiello