Bicentennial Decorations Mar 30 Written By Anthony Ausiello I think it’s safe to say that if the American flag were a star, we would have lost the revolution. Unless, of course, General Washington was leading a rebel army wholly compromised of ninjas, which would have been cool. BicentennialBrooklynBronxBombersfictionretroninjasyankeessopranossinatraitalianAmericansBrooklyn76anthonyausiello Anthony Ausiello
Bicentennial Decorations Mar 30 Written By Anthony Ausiello I think it’s safe to say that if the American flag were a star, we would have lost the revolution. Unless, of course, General Washington was leading a rebel army wholly compromised of ninjas, which would have been cool. BicentennialBrooklynBronxBombersfictionretroninjasyankeessopranossinatraitalianAmericansBrooklyn76anthonyausiello Anthony Ausiello