My Bicentennial Memories
I’m not sure I believe in fate, but there must be a reason why I could never bring myself to throw out my Ross Bicentennial bicycle. My parents, despite complaining about its prolonged residence in the cellar of 1710 78th street, could never bring themselves to roll the bike out with Tuesday trash (something they had no issue doing with all my other toys and preciouses). Maybe I or they knew the Bicentennial would be something I’d one day revisit. Or maybe we all knew, as long as the bike remained, so would those wonderful hazy summer day memories of years past.
Keep checking back — as we countdown to the release of Brooklyn ’76, I’ll be adding some wonderful star-spangled, red, white, and blue blasts from the past.

Bicentennial Administrator
Much of the success of the American Bicentennial Revolution Administration (ARBA) was attributed to the leadership of John W. Warner III. A veteran of WW2 and Korea, Warner served as Secretary of the Navy from 1972-74 and later as a five-time Senator from VA. He also played the murderer on two episodes of Columbo. Let’s listen to a special message from Administrator Warner.

Bicentennial Barbie
Critical outcry over the glaring omission of Bicentennial Barbie from the 2023 film is still strong and well-deserved.

Bicentennial Debut
On July 14, 1976, nearly two centuries of the American experiment culminates in the debut of the Gong Show.

Bicentennial Beer Calendars
If you were lucky enough to start 1976 with the Pabst Blue Ribbon, Falls City, or Stroh’s calendar hanging on your kitchen wall, you knew the Bicentennial would be an amazing year.

Bicentennial Radio 2
Yet another special edition Bicentennial radio. Except this one is ALL transistor and still works!

Bicentennial Foil
You had no chance making it through the Bicentennial if you weren’t packing at least two boxes of aluminum justice in the kitchen cupboards. Now pardon me while I wrap this damp patch of earth in foil and take a nap.

Bicentennial Milkshakes
Not to be unpatriotic; but Bicentennial or not, I’m still picking chocolate.

Bicentennial Convention Guide
If you're a Democratic delegate wandering around 1976 NYC, who can you count on to show you a good time?
Korvettes, of course! I am a bit disappointed they didn’t steer anyone to the Brooklyn store.

Bicentennial Paperweight
How does one make sure their precious Bicentennial memorabilia doesn’t blow away?
Deploy the Bicentennial paperweight — no breeze is mighty enough to displace the force of freedom.

Bicentennial Tractor
For many American males in 1976, the feminine ideal was best represented by Betty Ross riding the Bicentennial Cub Cadet tractor.

Bicentennial Yankees
With Spring Training fully in swing, let’s take a moment to appreciate the 1976 New York Yankees. While the World Series would escape them, 1976 marks the Yankees’ return to the post season for the first time since 1964, the first full season for Billy Martin as manager, and the arrival of several NYY greats—Willie Randolph, and my all-time favorite player, Mickey Rivers! With 1976 under the Yankees’ belts, the rest of MLB didn’t have a chance in 77 & 78!

Bicentennial Buttons 2
Six different Bicentennial buttons designed and sent by two art teachers to President Gerald R. Ford. Each button contains an individual design in red, white, and blue featuring various patriotic images and slogans. While not for sale to the general public, readers may recognize a few from Brooklyn ‘76.

Bicentennial Fashion
Whether the occasion called for summer-casual or campus-classy, Bicentennial fashion had you covered!

The Carol Burnett Show’s Bicentennial Minute
The Carol Burnett Show’s Bicentennial Minute parody. It doesn’t get much funnier than Harvey Korman & Tim Conway no matter what year it is.

Bicentennial BarGuide
Whether you are hosting a party during the Bicentennial or the Super Bowl, you better have a copy of the Spirit of ‘76 BarGuide on hand. Just tell your guests to drop their car keys in the empty fishbowl, pour themselves a Scarlett O’Hara, and let the spirit of the Founding Fathers be their guide.

Bicentennial Tour
You wanted the best. You got the best. The hottest tour of the Bicentennial—KISS!!!

Bicentennial Quilt
You weren't truly celebrating the Bicentennial unless Mom got out the needle and thread and bedazzled the bedspread with this beauty.

Bicentennial Champions
Who were the greatest athletes of the Bicentennial? The conversation begins and ends with these three champions.