My Bicentennial Memories
I’m not sure I believe in fate, but there must be a reason why I could never bring myself to throw out my Ross Bicentennial bicycle. My parents, despite complaining about its prolonged residence in the cellar of 1710 78th street, could never bring themselves to roll the bike out with Tuesday trash (something they had no issue doing with all my other toys and preciouses). Maybe I or they knew the Bicentennial would be something I’d one day revisit. Or maybe we all knew, as long as the bike remained, so would those wonderful hazy summer day memories of years past.
Keep checking back — as we countdown to the release of Brooklyn ’76, I’ll be adding some wonderful star-spangled, red, white, and blue blasts from the past.

Bicentennial Barbie
Critical outcry over the glaring omission of Bicentennial Barbie from the 2023 film is still strong and well-deserved.

Bicentennial Reunion
"I have a friend who loves what you do every year."
Labor Day 1976 - if you're too young to remember, you missed out!

Bicentennial TV Guide 2
Back when the TV Guide was the weekly periodical of choice for the most learned and discriminating of readers.

Bicentennial Centennial
There was more than one special birthday worth celebrating in 1976!

Bicentennial Pez
Nothing more patriotic or sweeter than a rectangle of solidified corn syrup spilled from a gaping hole in Uncle Sam’s neck.

Bicentennial Disney
To celebrate the Bicentennial, Disney’s presentation of America on Parade was featured in both Disneyland and Walt Disney World from June of 1976 through September of 1976. Click on the photo to view the TV special which aired in April 1976. There’s also many home movies of better quality on Youtube.

Bicentennial Debut
On July 14, 1976, nearly two centuries of the American experiment culminates in the debut of the Gong Show.

Bicentennial Ceramics
To celebrate the start of National Clay Week, here are some finely crafted, officially recognized Bicentennial commemoratives. And as everyone knows, if your ceramics aren’t fired to 1325° Fahrenheit, they’re likely just crap.

Bicentennial Beer Calendars
If you were lucky enough to start 1976 with the Pabst Blue Ribbon, Falls City, or Stroh’s calendar hanging on your kitchen wall, you knew the Bicentennial would be an amazing year.

Bicentennial Radio 2
Yet another special edition Bicentennial radio. Except this one is ALL transistor and still works!

Bicentennial Beer
The giants of the beer industry stepped up their game for the Bicentennial.

Bicentennial Smoking Paraphernalia
That pack of Kent’s isn’t going to light itself and those L&M butts need a home.

Bicentennial Campaign Pin
In staying with the election motif for this week, here is a 1976 Republican campaign pin.
I think they were going for a tree, but…
Never mind.

Bicentennial Convention Guide
If you're a Democratic delegate wandering around 1976 NYC, who can you count on to show you a good time?
Korvettes, of course! I am a bit disappointed they didn’t steer anyone to the Brooklyn store.

Bicentennial Baseball Cards
Here’s the 1976 Topps set featuring several cards that make important cameos in Brooklyn ’76.
Flip him, kid!