My Bicentennial Memories
I’m not sure I believe in fate, but there must be a reason why I could never bring myself to throw out my Ross Bicentennial bicycle. My parents, despite complaining about its prolonged residence in the cellar of 1710 78th street, could never bring themselves to roll the bike out with Tuesday trash (something they had no issue doing with all my other toys and preciouses). Maybe I or they knew the Bicentennial would be something I’d one day revisit. Or maybe we all knew, as long as the bike remained, so would those wonderful hazy summer day memories of years past.
Keep checking back — as we countdown to the release of Brooklyn ’76, I’ll be adding some wonderful star-spangled, red, white, and blue blasts from the past.

Bicentennial Godzilla
Not even Godzilla was immune to Bicentennial fever! A “Godzilla for President” promotion was run in tandem with the U.S. release of Godzilla vs Megalon in the summer of ’76. I can say wholeheartedly that the big guy would have had my vote if I was of age.
FUN FACT: My father took me to see Godzilla vs Megalon—which was running at the top of a double-feature bill with a film titled, “Bug,” about mutant cockroaches that could start fires.
FUNNER FACT: (mostly to folks from Brooklyn) We saw the double feature at The De-Luxe Theatre, which soon played host to an entirely different kind of double features.